Today I am grateful for being able to spend Christmas with my parents.

And I am looking forward to eating trifle for pudding 😋

Currently reading: The Books of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

Reached the halfway point today by finishing The Farthest Shore. The more I read, the more I wonder why I’ve never been here before.

Just been to check storm damage in my local park. Thankfully it’s come off lightly with just a couple of trees uprooted and branches down

Today I am grateful for central heating.

And I am looking forward to an evening of creative fun.

Spent my morning talking about WiFi boosters and mesh networks. Who do I send my expenses form to so that I can claim that time back?

Turns out pomodoro breaks come at the perfect interval for regularly checking on the Christmas pud while it steams

Saw my first job advert today that requires candidates to be “fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (unless medically exempt)”

I’m really going to miss the Sunday afternoon double bill of WSL and Red Roses matches on TV after the autumn internationals are over

Today I am grateful for my team for voting me player of the match… it softens the loss slightly.

And I am looking forward to a day doing nothing.

Which tube station makes you feel most like you’re stepping into Fritz Lang’s Metropolis?

Story from a London street today…

Random man: Where’s your coat and hat?

Me: I’m from the North.

I hope that was enough of an explanation for him.

Today I am grateful for the ability to travel again.

And I am looking forward to exploring a different city.

Today I am grateful for the park on my doorstep.

And I am looking forward to some time off next week.

Today I am grateful for the weekly intention setting session with my accountability group.

And I am looking forward to eating the quiche I just made for lunch tomorrow.

Today I am grateful for a clear sky and a good view of Jupiter.

And I am looking forward to attempting my first 5k in a while (probably a year) tomorrow.

Today I am grateful for laughter therapy from Taskmaster.

And I am looking forward to virtual coffee with my journaling community tomorrow.

A question always leaves room for you

From Hannah Gadsby’s University of Tasmania Gradutation Address

Today I am grateful that the rain has eased before I have to go to hockey training.

And I am looking forward to getting some fresh air.

Today I am grateful for flexibility in my work day.

And I am looking forward to an upcoming inspiration jaunt to London.