Reasons to be cheerful #1

Over the years I’ve periodically posted lists of the small, everyday things that I’m grateful for. Along with many other things I’ve chosen to commit to lately is making this a weekly thing.

So without further ado, here’s my first (of this incarnation at least) list of reasons to be cheerful:

  • the honesty of children: “Can we stop Zoom now?” said my nephew part-way through a family birthday call… he got his wish
  • an extra few moments of light in the evening
  • walking on fresh snow
  • getting to that point in a book where all the loose threads start coming together… and you can’t bear to put it down
  • cosy new pyjamas

This is day 18 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Tags: #gratitude

A typical Saturday

I love Saturdays. A day to unwind and have fun. A day to really switch off and relax. Here’s what a typical lockdown Saturday looks like…

  • Wake around 8 and read in bed until I start to get hungry.
  • Breakfast, usually eggs and coffee.
  • FaceTime with my parents to chat and do the crossword. This is something we’d do when we stay with them that we’ve made a weekly ritual during the pandemic.
  • Lunch, usually a homemade soup.
  • Walk, I try to get out every day for an hour or so.
  • The rest of the afternoon is given over to whatever sport is on. Today for example I’ve listened to football on the radio, and watched rugby and football matches.
  • Tea is often leftovers or a takeaway as Saturday is my night off cooking. Tonight we’ve got a rather fine curry I made yesterday. And a couple of beers of course!
  • We round of the day with a film or a board game. Tonight we’re playing a new one; Forbidden Island.

To be fair, I don’t think my Saturdays before the pandemic were that different. You’d just need to factor in a hockey match in place of the walk.

What does your perfect Saturday look like?

— This is day 17 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

There is no finish line

Sometimes we can be tempted into thinking that there’s a magic item, experience or feeling that will bring us success or happiness. We pin our hopes on it. We work our way steadily towards it.

Sometimes we might reach or attain that magical thing. But when we do, we realise it wasn’t that magical after all and we set our sights on something else.

We keep on going. Keep on searching. Keep on learning. And eventually we realise; it’s about the journey, not the destination.

When I think of this, it reminds me of a line I once heard in a TV show (Baptiste, I think):

The wind blows Still the world turns

This post was prompted by the latest issue of Sophie Cross' Thoughtfully newsletter.

This is day 16 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Co-working and community

It can be lonely working for yourself. You may see people regularly, but meetings with clients are no proxy for having a team around you.

I’m grateful for the advice I got when I first went freelance to make sure I didn’t spend all my time at home in my office. It prompted me to join a local co-working group and attend sessions at least once a month. Later I spent more time co-working, with at least one day per week among the community at Good Space, where I later rented a shared office.

Since the start of the pandemic the ability to go out to co-working spaces and work side-by-side with people has obviously been restricted. Sadly this means that many places, Good Space included, have had to close.

I’m grateful however to other initiatives that create a community for freelancers and other solo-workers. This morning I joined a virtual co-working session run by my local group. Last week I attended daily pomodoro sessions from Othership. And every day I check in with the Leapers community.

There are plenty more communities and sessions like this out there. If you’re a freelancer or self-employed and feeling lonely or isolated then I’d pass on the piece of advice given to me – find yourself some co-workers.

This is day 15 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Cutting yourself some slack vs slacking off

Something I’ve been pondering a while is where the line lies between cutting yourself some slack and slacking off.

Is it contextual? Is it time-bound? Is it to do with the difference between needing a break and avoiding a task?

Answers on a postcard please.

This is day 14 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Early adopters

There used to be a time when I was among the first to sign up to new websites and apps. I was eager to poke around with other early adopters to see what they offered, how they worked and if there were any benefits for my work or personal life. Some stuck. Others didn’t.

There’s a reticence now. I’m not sure where it comes from. Maybe it’s due to my change in circumstance? When I worked in universities, often I was the one in the team who sussed things out and shared new digital tools. I don’t have this role now I’m my own boss. Maybe it’s down to the sheer volume of new software that is being released every day? There’s no way to keep up with it all, so why not let others filter out the dross. Maybe it’s a loss of trust? I’m certainly more conscious about what happens with my personal data and the content I create when I sign up to these things. Maybe I’ve got better ways to spend my time?

This is day 13 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

A weekend away

We spent the weekend just gone in New York. We ate pancakes, burgers and bagels. Drank cosmos and Manhattans. Visited The Frick, The Met and MOMA. Saw a broadway show and listened to jazz from Village Vanguard… And all of this from the comfort of our living room.

Like many, I’ve been finding the latest lockdown harder than those that preceded it. It’s the cumulative effect of day after day spent within the same four walls and in the same company. That and the approach of the one year anniversary of the first lockdown and prospect of spending a second birthday in isolation.

We needed to shake things up and a virtual weekend away was just the ticket. It broke us out of our routine, helped us to properly disconnect from work and to relax. We did all the things we’d usually do on holiday and none of the things we’d usually do at home on the weekend.

The whole experience was restorative and we’ll definitely do it again.

Where shall we go next?

This is day 12 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Being British

All anybody was talking about on Twitter yesterday were two things:

  1. Jackie Weaver and that Handforth Parish Council video
  2. This thread about weird things British people do

Of the former I have nothing much to say. Except that it’s been referenced in pretty much every conversation my wife and I have had over the past 24 hours.

Of the latter I will concede that for the most part us “Britishes” are weird as hell. As pointed out in the thread most of the things have no logical or sensible explanation:

  • the swan story
  • the sanctity of the queue
  • public schools
  • buying drinks in rounds
  • or separate taps

However, the cultural significance and brilliance of fish finger sandwiches is a hill I’m willing to die on.

This is day 11 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Giving blood

Today I gave my 30th blood donation. The last time I was there a lady was celebrating her 100th donation! My goal is to get to 40 before I’m 40.

I went for the first time as a teenager when my Mum took me along with her. It was in the sports hall where I did trampolining and went to football camps in the summer holidays. At uni the donor team set up in the Students Union. And in my later 20s it was the community centre in the village I lived in. Now I go to the donor centre, a permanent space for the NHS Blood and Transplant team in Newcastle.

I love everything about giving blood. The staff always manage to create a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere. Today all the staff of a certain age were singing along to Hot Chocolate on the radio and I had a good chat that ranged from cooking new things during the pandemic to the importance of finding work that challenges and fulfils you.

I love seeing all the first timers… and the old timers.

I love the follow up; finding out when and where my blood has been used.

I love the feeling of helping out.

And obviously, I love the biscuits!

This is day 10 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

A soundtrack for work

For the most part I sit in silence while I work. However, I’ve got a new clock in my office and it has THE LOUDEST TICK EVER. I have superhuman hearing, so it’s probably not even that loud, this just means that repetitive sounds like this really bug me. So I’ve been thinking a lot about soundtracks that are conducive for work.

When I worked for universities in open plan offices sound was essential for a happy work day. In the quest to quiet the ticking clock I’ve found myself returning to some old habits.

My soundtrack for routine, dare I say repetitive, tasks that don’t require a lot of thinking on my part is generally something I can sing along or tap my foot to. Some favourites are:

When I’m working with words music won’t cut it. Even instrumental. Instead, I prefer some sounds of nature. Services like Online Background Noises and Noisili let me craft a unique mix of the elements. And very occasionally I’ll opt for a bit of coffee shop ambience, perhaps with some rain beating on the windows and a roaring fire in the corner.

What is your soundtrack of choice?

This is day nine of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

A note about deadlines

I worked furiously yesterday to get a project finished for today’s deadline. I was focused and systematic and I got more than I expected to done. That is, I finished all of the essential work and got most of the nice to have stuff done too.

Working up to the wire in this way is how I work best. I don’t know any other way to be. Without the time pressure I rarely find the zone of focus and flow I need to really get things done.

I battled with this for a long time because it feels out of sync with my nature. I’m a planner and always organised. In a group, I’m the one who has thought of every eventuality and prepared for it. What I’ve come to realise is that this is what allows me to work effectively when time is limited. I use my time in advance to come up with a plan so that when it comes to those final hours I know exactly what I’ve got to do and how to go about it. That means I rarely miss a deadline.

So back to this latest project I’ve been working on…

After the rush and high of finishing on time I discovered that I’d got my dates wrong and the deadline is actually a week away! It feels so strange to have finished something so far ahead of schedule. I almost don’t know what to do with myself!

This is day eight of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

A 28-day challenge within a challenge

On August 26 2020 I set out my intention to take part in #100DaysToOffload. A challenge to publish 100 blog posts in one year. Less than a month later, I fell off the wagon having published just six posts!

As of today, 1 February, there are 205 days until my year is up. That means to reach my goal I need to post roughly every other day between now and then. I want to reach that goal and re-establish a regular writing routine.

To get things started I’ve committed to publish every day throughout February. I’m using Austin Kleon’s monthly challenge template to keep me on track.

A previous version of this template has space to add a reward for when you reach your goal. As I’m trying not to buy any new books at the moment (while I work my way through a monster to-read pile) I felt a fitting reward would be to pick up something from my wishlist. I’ve chosen The Biggest Bluff by Maria Konnikova.

This is day seven of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Favourited: Newsletters; or, an enormous rant about writing on the web that doesn’t really go anywhere and that’s okay with me

Link:… Author: Robin Rendle Time to read: 8 minutes


Favourited: Spend time on something that will outlast them

Link:… Author: Austin Kleon


Favourited: How to prioritize your project ideas

Link:… Author: Ryan Mather Time to read: 10 minutes


Lessons from hockey for life

At hockey training last night we were working on match situations where one team has an overload. After a while, we paused to talk about how it was going. It felt like chaos and mostly we were running around like headless chickens.

Our coach gave us this advice for what to do when you’re under pressure:

  • slow down
  • be decisive in your actions
  • if it doesn’t work, change direction
  • protect the ball

As soon as she’d made the first point I knew what she was saying would be applicable off the hockey pitch as well as on it. In a non-sporting context, for the final point, I’d substitute your wellbeing for the ball. Other than that, I’d say they’re all valid in situations when we’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and under pressure.

What do you think? Where in your life could you apply these steps to make a difference?

This is day six of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Things my Mum taught me

My previous post contains a list of things my Dad taught me. Not wanting to leave my Mum out, here are some of the things she taught me. Again it’s off the top of my head and in no particular order:

  • how to drive
  • the art of giving a good hug
  • to appreciate the simple things in life
  • how to make custard
  • the right cup to drink tea from
  • to enjoy singing
  • how to iron a shirt
  • to have the courage to try new things
  • how to make Christmas dinner
  • to keep going

This is day five of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Things my Dad taught me

There was a tweet going round over the weekend that asked you to name one thing your Dad taught you. I didn’t respond because I couldn’t pick just one. So instead, here’s 10 of the things that came to mind (in no particular order):

  • that the crusty bits around the edges are the tastiest
  • how to tie my shoelaces
  • to be inquisitive
  • the rules of rugby and cricket
  • how to play cards
  • fierce loyalty
  • how to make stock, gravy and soup
  • generosity
  • how to grow tomatoes
  • to know when I need to take a break

This is day four of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Research skills

I am in the process of completing a Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) in Business and Personal Coaching. I completed the practical element of this course back in 2018 and now all that’s left is to write the essays. There are three in total:

  • Coaching in Practice - a reflective essay about my development as a coach
  • Coaching to Enable Change - encompassing what helps us change, what gets in the way and how coaching can facilitate the process
  • Coaching in an Organisational Setting - my focus for this one is the importance of reflective practice in the workplace

When it comes to this kind of academic work, and talking to my peers about their experience of it, I am incredibly grateful for the research skills I learned in my previous career as a librarian. There are things that I know, that I probably take for granted, that really help to ease the process. I’ve shared all of them before when helping people with their research, but now seems a good time to bring them together in one place.

Accessing electronic resources

It’s no secret that the myriad of systems used to access electronic resources through the library make for a less than intuitive experience. Add to that, the fact that the kind of course I’m doing doesn’t allow full access to library systems; more often than not I come up against an “access forbidden” alert. It’s frustrating to say the least, but here are some ways around it.

Firstly, I found out exactly which packages I have access to and now, instead of searching the whole catalogue, I search specifically within these databases. This works best in the early stages of research when searching by topic rather than for a specific article.

If you’re a fellow student on the PGCert for Business and Personal Coaching through the University of Chester, those databases are: ProQuest, Wiley Online Library, Dawsonera and E-book Central

A similar approach at this stage is to use the Directory of Open Access Journals. This indexes peer-reviewed journals that have no barriers to access.

When it comes to looking for specific articles, I use the Unpaywall extension. This highlights whether an open access version is available if you’ve found an article you want to read in a paywalled journal.

Sometimes you have to accept that it’s not possible to get your hands on the exact article you’re looking for. Using these approaches there are usually plenty of alternatives that are good enough.

Locating print materials*

I’m affiliated to a university in the north west of England, but as I live on the other side of the country accessing their print materials isn’t an option. Thankfully, there are other ways to get hold of books you can’t get electronically.

Use WorldCat to find local libraries that hold the item you’re looking for. Many university libraries allow walk-in access to visitors, especially those affiliated with other academic intstitutions.

I also search directly on the catalogues of university libraries near me. You may not be able to borrow, but you should be able to use the library for reference. And if, like me, you live near the place that you did your undergraduate degree then you may be able to borrow books as an alumni.


There’s something about my nature that means I get a strange sense of joy out of referencing – I know this makes me an anomaly. I just like how methodical it is.

I know that for a lot of people both the purpose and practice just don’t make sense. And sadly, most of the guides available make the whole thing seem more complex than it is and therefore even more confusing for beginners. Thankfully, lots of academic libraries provide quick guides that cover most of what’s needed to get started. I’m currently using one from York St John University and I don’t find I need more than that.

If you really want to up your referencing game, and have some fun in the process, check out RefQuest from Learning Futures and the Library at Western Sydney University.

*The caveat to this is that obviously during the pandemic physical access to libraries is probably not feasible anyway, but I think it’s worth noting these options for some future date when we can just walk in somewhere and pick a book up off a shelf.

This is day three of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Blog updates

In preparation for starting this writing challenge I decided to make some tweaks to the setup of this blog. There’s a new theme and an archive so you can browse or search older posts.

I’ve also set up federation. That may sound fancy but makes it as easy as checking a box in the settings. What this means is that people can now follow this blog in the fediverse.

My main exploration of the fediverse is through Mastodon. I have the loosest grasp on how it all works so won’t try to explain it. If you want to learn more watch this video explainer from a user’s perspective. I found the part that explains local and federated instances (or servers) using the analogy of villages and towns particularly helpful.

If that’s piqued your interest and you want to give Mastodon a try, here are a couple of handy guides:

You can find me at (although I have a request to join awaiting approval, so watch this space).

This is day two of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at