Repeat after me: it’s time to put your phone away and give your attention to something meaningful for a little while

I haven’t wanted to start reading another novel since finishing The Name of the Wind, but I think after a week I may just about be ready. Now what to choose?

Think I have a new answer to the "what's your greatest weakness" interview question... impatience. I'm waiting for someone to send me a thing and it not being here yet is consuming all my attention.

There’s been a sudden upsurge in the amount of aluminium foil in our recycling bin since I decided it was indeed acceptable to eat mince pies in November 🥧😋

I’ve missed a few days of microblogvember prompts, but trying to get back on the horse and not leave the challenge. It’s still Monday in Hawaii as I type this so I’ll get this one in before trying to catch up with myself.

Really not sure I managed to adjust to this weekend’s hockey match being on Sunday rather than Saturday. Going to be a shock getting up for work tomorrow! 🏑

A heartbreaking loss but that’s some performance from the Red Roses to keep within a score (and almost steal it at the end) having played 3/4 of the match a player down. My heart is still racing!

Here we go 🌹

Finished reading: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss 📚

Been sitting on this for years waiting until I was in the right place to read it. Feeling both glad that I waited but also wish I’d entered this world sooner. Roll on Christmas and book two.

My wife recently started training to become a lay minister, little did I know this would require me to dredge up stuff I learned on my ancient history degree when she quizzes me about the Roman Empire over breakfast

Over the past few weeks I’ve learned enough about my uses of and Mastodon to decide that it’s time to stop cross-posting. If everything’s working corrently this post shouldn’t appear over on 👀

I find myself feeling less certain about more things these days… and I think I’m ok with that.

I find myself feeling less certain about more things these days… and I think I’m ok with that.

After much back and forth we have finally reached a consensus over team selection for this weekend’s hockey teams

After much back and forth we have finally reached a consensus over team selection for this weekend’s hockey teams

I’m grateful for the insights being shared through the microblogvember prompts… especially today’s.

I’m grateful for the insights being shared through the microblogvember prompts… especially today’s.

A good story echoes

A good story echoes

After playing hockey on Saturdays I make myself exempt from any household chores