Weeknote 18/22
Here’s my first attempt at getting back into the habit of posting my weeknote on a Sunday evening…
🌳 There was a Bank Holiday in the UK on Monday so we packed up our lunch and headed out into Northumberland for a walk. After a pretty meh weekend it was just what we needed.
🌟 When back to work, I made another big decision… this time to postpone the start of my group coaching pilot so I have more time to fill all the available seats.
📋 I’ve made a plan (and started acting on it!) for the next couple of weeks in terms of what I need to do to get my coaching pilot ready to run.
🍅 I did lots of virtual co-working and pomodoros to keep me focused on things I didn’t want to do and/or was struggling to start.
✍️ Had a great catch up with fellow hosts of our mindfulness community to talk about plans for the next few months including adding more sessions and organising a summer social.
🐕 On Wednesday I had another day dog-sitting Aggie which included lots of sleep and two lovely walks with playtime in the park.
🧈 On Friday morning I joined the IAF Wales meetup to demo Butter, as an alternative to Zoom.
🚮 I joined my first GoodGym community mission. We did a litter pick on the Quayside.
🌇 As the days get longer, Izzy and I have started heading out for an evening walk around the park in the last of the light around 9PM. On our first outing we spotted a couple of bats out hunting.
🌤️ It’s been a lovely weekend weather wise and I took advantage of this for a long walk on Saturday afternoon, run Sunday morning and a couple of hours working in the yard in the afternoon.
🎨 My personal goal for May is to fill a sketchbook. I’m learning to draw the birds, and other cool things, I see on my walks and need to get some practice in.