Weeknote 08/22
Rounding off the month with what was for me a really good week both personally and professionally.
🗓️ I ran the Feb/March monthly planning session on Monday. Each time I’m gradually refining my process and I’ve got an idea how to adapt my Notion setup to better link daily-weekly-monthly reviews together.
💫 The big thing work-wise this week was moving two future projects forward; one event and one group coaching programme. I’ve started conversations to get feedback on my initial ideas and am ready to open one up for bookings so I can run a pilots in March and April.
🧠 I met with the fellow directors of the company I work through and we’ve made some major decisions for how we’re going to do business in the future.
🍃 I helped to rebrand the community mindfulness group I’m part of. We’ve recently transitioned from being under the umbrella of a startup to be independent and community run, so a new identity was needed.
💰 I attended the IAF Northern Meetup on the theme of selling facilitation. It was a fun and informative session as always.
📶 We had wobbly Internet for a couple of days at the end of the week (possibly result of the weather, possibly people digging up fibre cables). It was frustrating but thankfully seems to have stabilised.
🌇 I shifted my daily walk to dusk. I witnessed more bird activity, as they settle down for the night, and some beautiful sunsets.
📺 I watched less TV than normal which meant more time for cooking, reading, playing board games, and conversation.
🏑 We tried a new formation at hockey. It’ll be a good move in the long-run but on this occasion we were out-played and lost 2-1.
🍻 Post-hockey, my wife (who was at work) asked what I had planned. My response: “Two rugby matches, a sausage roll and a beer (or two)”. We agreed this was my perfect afternoon.
🍗 And the week rounded off with a trip up the coast to visit a friend in her new home. We went for a walk in the woods nearby and to the local pub for Sunday lunch.
Photo of the week: Sunday night’s sunset