Home — I’ve been home alone the majority of this week. I survived pretty well without reverting to student / bachelor behaviour. Mostly because I planned my meals and did a big shop at the start of the week (that’s usual, but I tend to let it slip when I’m on my own) and I allowed myself one indulgence… to get out of bed whenever I wanted each morning. Izzy returned late Thursday and we’ve had a quiet weekend at home dog sitting for Aggie, a west highland puppy.

Work — My focus this week was on mid- to long-term goals and I feel I made real strides forward. This includes a financial plan for the next year as well as clarity around my offer, where I want to put my energy and what types of work I want to do more (and less) of. What’s been critical for this is time away from my desk. And I’ve got a detailed list of actions for the next few weeks.

Hobbies — This week I’ve done lots of walking, bird watching and reading, plus a solo trip to the cinema. I’ve also posted daily on Instagram for the February photo challenge. The stand out here this week is a 0-0 draw at hockey against a team that thrashed us last time around. It was a strong team performance and honestly felt like a win!

Personal development — Choosing to allow myself to get up later in the mornings meant I didn’t go to the daily community mindfulness sessions. I’m feeling a little unanchored as a result of this so want to be sure to make the effort to attend in the coming week.

Looking ahead, next week I’m going to get to work on research for a new group coaching programme and bring back some routine to my work days.