There used to be a time when I was among the first to sign up to new websites and apps. I was eager to poke around with other early adopters to see what they offered, how they worked and if there were any benefits for my work or personal life. Some stuck. Others didn’t.

There’s a reticence now. I’m not sure where it comes from. Maybe it’s due to my change in circumstance? When I worked in universities, often I was the one in the team who sussed things out and shared new digital tools. I don’t have this role now I’m my own boss. Maybe it’s down to the sheer volume of new software that is being released every day? There’s no way to keep up with it all, so why not let others filter out the dross. Maybe it’s a loss of trust? I’m certainly more conscious about what happens with my personal data and the content I create when I sign up to these things. Maybe I’ve got better ways to spend my time?

This is day 13 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at