On August 26 2020 I set out my intention to take part in #100DaysToOffload. A challenge to publish 100 blog posts in one year. Less than a month later, I fell off the wagon having published just six posts!

As of today, 1 February, there are 205 days until my year is up. That means to reach my goal I need to post roughly every other day between now and then. I want to reach that goal and re-establish a regular writing routine.

To get things started I’ve committed to publish every day throughout February. I’m using Austin Kleon’s monthly challenge template to keep me on track.

A previous version of this template has space to add a reward for when you reach your goal. As I’m trying not to buy any new books at the moment (while I work my way through a monster to-read pile) I felt a fitting reward would be to pick up something from my wishlist. I’ve chosen The Biggest Bluff by Maria Konnikova.

This is day seven of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at 100daystooffload.com