
    “The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.”

    A warning from Mary Oliver.

    “What you learn in the thick of life is the limits of rationality.”

    Krista Tippett in conversation with Nick Cave

    “You’re not a perfectionist. You’re insecure about how your best effort will be received.”

    💬 Unknown author. Source: Dense Discovery #250

    This is one of those quotes that took the wind out of me a little the first time I read it.

    “His mind is a thousand ball bearings in a biscuit tin.”

    💬 The Perfect Golden Circle by Benjamin Myers

    My wife and I often have conversations about what it’s like in our minds. Hers is loud, perhaps something like this biscuit tin. Mine is quiet.

    I’ve been thinking about an analogy for the quiet that I experience for a few days and I’m stuck on the image of a slide projector. There’s one thing in focus at a time with others queued up for later. Occasionally it gets stuck and the slide in focus isn’t the one that’s supposed to be shown.

    “Simplicity is the end result of long, hard work; not the starting point.”

    💬 Frederick Maitland