
    This is my favourite tree in Jesmond Dene. I love the variety of colours and how it catches the late afternoon light.

    Do you have a favourite tree in your local park?

    January to June in my local park

    A chair collapsed underneath me today. Now I find myself viewing all chairs that I approach with suspicion

    Human beings are like jazz musicians; always improvising.

    Fortuitous to be in the car with 6Music on the radio yesterday to catch Herbie Hancock on The First Time with Matt Everitt

    Spent the morning with Hockney at Salts Mill. Fell in love with a tree 😍

    Finished reading: The Locals by Jonathan Dee 📚

    Found this massively underwhelming, if not irritating. Dee seemed to start lots of plot lines and then just let them trail off. About two thirds through I asked my wife if anything happened before the end, she said yes… it did not.

    When I started co-working at Good Space in Commercial Union House we knew that one day it would be knocked down. Four years later they finally did it and this is all that remains

    Got my watercolours out today and enjoyed getting a feel for the brushes again. Realised this may be the first time I’ve painted as an adult! It won’t be the last 🎨

    Up and out for a walk before the Bank Holiday crowds. Lovely and fresh after last night’s downpour

    What a morning of cricket! Delighted for local lad Matthew Potts on his debut. Trying not to get ahead of myself though; difficult to tell from the radio whether we’ve been good or NZ aren’t up to scratch… and have to wait to see how we bat 😬🏏

    Finished reading: A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry 📚

    Another gem. I don’t know any other author who weaves poetry into the narrative like Barry does.

    Too nice not to head out for a stroll this evening

    Just found out a local coffee roastery is opening a shop within 100 yards of my flat. Can’t decide if this is the best thing to happen this week (excellent coffee on my doorstep) or the worst (there’s already a beer cafe so soon I’ll have no pocket money left!)

    Waiting for our new sofa to be delivered. Chance of any meaningful work getting done before or after? Slim.

    Caught up on Taskmaster last night (S13:E6). Was in stitches at the attempts to record the highest number on a pedometer. As I was 30 mins early for an appointment today I decided to apply the simplest strategy to the task: walking. With 2,285 steps in 20 mins I’d have come 2nd

    Tasks that present unexpected challenges then are straightforward to complete once you have a clear strategy and the right tools are the most satisfying. Emma 1 : Sofa 0

    Here’s how my afternoon is shaping up: dismantling a sofa and trying to follow 10 football matches all at once. How about you?

    Currently reading: I Didn’t Do The Thing Today by Madeleine Dore 📚

    You’ll know on the first page if this book is for you. Summary: I don’t have the answers, there’s no one way to do things, it’s about experimenting and finding what works for you. Bingo!

    Today I danced in the sunshine, invented a game in 2 minutes (called Pointless Popping Pirate Personas) and realised I need to redraw the edges of my comfort zone

    I’ve always wondered whether this could happen with wordle and the myriad spin offs. Today’s the day!

    Framed #63 🎥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛


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