
    Finished reading: Pageboy by Elliot Page πŸ“š

    It’s important we hear trans people tell their stories and this felt like a necessary read. Although, I did find the jumping around through time a challenge to the reading experience.

    Finished reading: Sisters by Daisy Johnson πŸ“š

    Unsettling. Daisy Johnson creates such atmospheric worlds. Now I want to re-read Everything Under.

    Finished reading: How to Kill Your Family by Bella Mackie πŸ“š

    I finally went back and finished this. It was ok, an interesting idea just a bit one note in delivery and faded away towards the end.

    Abandoned reading: Stoner by John Williams πŸ“š

    Not for me. Perhaps I expected too much, but this sadly sits alongside The Rainbow as one of the most boring books I’ve tried to read.

    Finished reading: Cuddy by Benjamin Myers πŸ“š

    I enjoyed this overall. The local angle definitely helped. Was a little challenging initially getting used to the different styles, but after time I found the narrative flowed.

    Finished reading: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid πŸ“š

    I’d been avoiding reading this. Why? I stubbornly dig my heels in when people tell me I should do something. But, I finally picked it up to take on holiday and it was just what I needed. It took me entirely by surprise. And I loved it!

    Finished reading: Bessie Smith by Jackie Kay πŸ“š

    Finished reading: Small Pleasures by Clare Chambers πŸ“š

    I have no idea what possessed me to read this. While the mystery element interested me at first, the lazy stereotyping and abrupt ending made the whole experience supremely disappointing.

    Finished reading: The Devotion Of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino πŸ“š

    A good spin on the classic detective story. Recommended in book group at work. I’ll definitely look out for more in this series.

    Finished reading: Prophet Song by Paul Lynch πŸ“š

    Brutal. The atmosphere the author creates had me on edge throughout. I think it benefitted from reading over a short period in a few big chunks.

    There was a point where I had to put it down for a while and give myself space to sit with what had happened. I doubt that will be a feeling I forget any time soon.

    Totally get why this won the Booker.

    Currently reading: Prophet Song by Paul Lynch πŸ“š

    Oof, this packs a punch. Only ~100 pages in but I can already see why it won the Booker.

    Finished reading: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke πŸ“š

    Excellent. A complex narrative balanced by an easy style made this a pleasure to read.

    Finished reading: Parable of the Talents by Octavia E. Butler πŸ“š

    I wasn’t as engaged with this book as I was with the first in the series. The telling of the story felt disjointed. However I’m pleased to have seen how Lauren’s story unfolded.

    Finished reading: China Lake by Meg Gardiner πŸ“š

    Looking for a new (to me) crime series with a female lead. Trying out a few options by Meg Gardiner. First up Evan Delaney.

    Finished reading: The Shadow District by Arnaldur Indridason πŸ“š

    Finished reading: Parable of the sower by Octavia E. Butler πŸ“š

    Outstanding. I can’t explain the comfort (not sure that’s the right word… hope, maybe?) this book gave me despite the world it is set in. I’m not ready to let it go yet.

    Is it possible to go into a bookshop or library and only come out with the specific thing you went in for? Asking for a friend πŸ“š

    Finished reading: Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata πŸ“š

    Finished reading: Foster by Claire Keegan πŸ“š

    Another remarkable story. We join somewhere in the middle and leave before its end, yet Keegan’s writing always feels like just enough.

    I want to read more by Stephen King. I really enjoyed The Long Walk and am wondering if the best place to start would be other novels he published under the Richard Bachman pen name. Would welcome other suggestions too please πŸ“š

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